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EXIM office
we are here

K 1002, Amrapali Silicon City,
Sector 76, Opp. Amrapali Princely Estate,
Noida – 201301- UP, INDIA


Exim Contact: +91 97219 13150
Mobile: +91 8000 8444 12
Mobile: :  +91 7990-0681 (90)

working hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed

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    We are thrilled to announce a significant development at ATPL Exim, your trusted partner in global trade. With over a decade of expertise, we have successfully bridged manufacturers with reliable global trade partners, fostering mutual growth and trust. Our commitment to simplifying international trade and logistics for companies importing and exporting goods to and from India has been unwavering. Feel Free to reach out to us